- Divorce Programs
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- Divorce Programs

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- Divorce Programs
- Divorce Programs
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- Divorce Programs

- Divorce Programs
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- Divorce Programs

About Rosanna Amadea
Healer. Coach. Leader. Teacher. Intuitive. Author.
My Story
It is no coincidence that you are here. I have been where you are now.
You see, I thought that when I said, “I Do” it would be forever! I believed whole heartedly, the vows…’Till death do us part”.
I entered my fairy tale wedding and we had 2 beautiful children, a daughter and a son. Years later we had an opportunity to purchase a 3 generations family business. Life from the outside seemed perfect!
As the years passed, I found myself in a toxic, unhappy, and unhealthy marriage. My life as I knew it was falling apart and I did not know how to fix it!
After several years of counseling, trying to make the marriage work and hoping things would change. I wanted to keep my family together so much that I tolerated a lot, stayed longer than was good for me. I slowly began to lose myself, my self-esteem, my voice, and my identity. Things went from bad to worse. I was in a lot of emotional pain and so miserable to the point I no longer wanted to be here.
That was my wakeup call and I knew I had to do something immediately. I did not want to make my children orphans.
I enrolled in a life coaching program and it forever changed my life because now, it has become my passion and mission in life to help other divorced women like YOU to move ahead in your life. For you to be empowered with clear focus and strength, a healed heart, and reaching emotional healing and balance, while nurturing your soul after divorce. You will uncover gifts and talents that are available to help you choose permanent growth and expansion in your new life.
This program worked for me and I know it will work for you, too!
Join my Private Soul Sister Faebook Group:
My Certifications & Accomplishments
* Certified Life Transformed Life Coach
* Certified Advanced Life Transformed Life Coach
* Emissary from Planet LAOS
* Breathwork Facilitator/Teacher
* Crystal Bowl Atlantean High Priestess
* Family Constellations Facilitator
* Integrated Energy Therapy Master Teacher
* Usui Reiki Master Teacher
* Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Guide
* Angel Card Intuitive Reader
* Licensed Massage Therapist of 30 years
* B.A. in Psychology & Italian from Rutgers University
* #1 Best Selling Author (See books below)
Once Upon a Thought
By #1 Best Selling Author
Rosanna M. Lo Meo
This is a children's book (adults too) about my home planet Laos. An inspirational tale about a young star-being…Rosina lives on a distant planet in another dimension. She has lost what she loved most in her world—her family and her home. Alone and scared, Rosina must struggle to discover the truth. But will she ever find her loved ones again?
A Little Bit of Heaven
by Rosanna M. Lo Meo
A new paradigm for death and dying…
What if the process of your loved one's death did not have to be a devastating event for you both but rather a peaceful one? What if you were not dreading death but embracing it? What if you knew your loved one’s soul would still be alive and with you?
What if there’s another point of view?
A daughter's account of dealing with the death of her parents through two unique and opposite experiences – one dark, the other light.(Book about my Papa, his passing and little about my story of loss and how to embrace it.)
The New Beginnings Programs
The Divorce Programs
If you are a recently divorced woman or have been divorced for years and you are still having difficulty with any of these:
Moving forward * Feeling stuck * Letting go of the past
Blaming yourself * Feeling like a failure * Cannot stop the tears
Then you have come to the right place! Read on.
Healing Services
Healing your heart and transforming your life are my specialty.
Please make yourself at home and browse around the various energy modalities and classes.
Choose the ones that call to your heart and speak to soul. Dive in.
Get your "Secret Recipe" Free Gift Meditation
A calorie free dessert meditation to HEAL your heartbreak!
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The Blog
Love your sweet life. Live Happily Ever After.
JOIN my FB Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/healyourheartafterdivorce/about
May 1, 2021A Little Bit About MeJuly 1, 2022July 1, 2022July 1, 2022May 12, 2022April 28, 2022April 14, 2022More PostsContact Rosanna
Let's Connect! Don't Miss Out! Are you ready to Begin?
State College, PA, USABy Appointment Only717-543-7263